We are happy that horror author Francis H. Powell has signed with us. A full writer biography will be here soon but as way of an introduction he is a set author Q&A to get to know Francis a little better.
Francis H Powell is amongst other things, a poet and writer of both short stories and novels. His anthology of short stories called “Flight of Destiny” was published April 7, 2015, by Savant publishing. His second book Adventures of Death, Reincarnation and Annihilation was published by Beacon Publishing in December of 2019.
Born in 1961, in Reading, England. Francis he was educated at various schools, before going on to Art Schools, to do a degree in painting and an MA in printmaking. Living in Paris he had four short stories published in, “Rat Mort” a magazine with dark and surreal stories as well a magazine called Freakwave.
He has had short stories and poems published in various magazines and on internet sites. But with signing for Poe Girl Publishing, we hope he will establish himself as a respected and prolific writer.

POE GIRL: What or who inspired you to be a writer?
FRANCIS H POWELL: I have always tried to do a lot of creative things, I went to art school, I was in bands. I tried to write an entire book while I was living in the middle of nowhere in Austria, back then I didn't have the knowhow to write a book. But I always had it in the back of my mind to be writer.
When I was at my first art school, a friend's boyfriend Rupert Thomson was just starting his writing career. He wrote a book called “Dreams of Leaving” and my friend designed the cover.
While I was living in Paris, I saw an advert for a magazine looking for short stories. I decided to write a short story and found I really enjoyed this format. I didn't get an answer from the magazine, so I wrote another short story. The magazine was called “Rat Mort” (dead rat in English). The magazine had a very much “home-made look”. It was great to see my work in print. So, I began writing more and more and don’t wish to stop.
POE GIRL: What gave you the idea of your latest book?
FRANCIS H POWELL: I had the idea to write a story, under the working title “Priest Killer”. I was brought up a Catholic, so I have experience of Catholic priests, going to confession etc.
I decided to set myself a challenge to write a story set in the distant past and decided Italy would be the perfect setting. The story is written in the first person and starts with a girl who falls in love with a young priest. The story is about their relationship, how the priest Angelo spurns her. There is a twist to the story.
I didn't want a book, that revolved around Catholic priests. I was teaching history (in a Catholic University) and was doing stuff about druids, so I thought about writing about somebody killing a druid. The last story is set in the future and inspired by a news story about Chinese correctional camps, where they try and wean people off religion.
POE GIRL: Who is your favourite writer and why?
FRANCIS H POWELL: That's hard to answer, I love the work of the aforementioned Rupert Thomson, but I also love Roald Dahl's works, both for adults and children.
POE GIRL: What's your favourite book?
FRANCIS H POWELL: I think a book from one of the above.
POE GIRL: Do you read a lot? If so, what are you reading right now?
FRANCIS H POWELL: It is hard to write a lot as well as read a lot as well doing all the other daily things, we have to do... I recently moved and decided to join a book club. At the moment we are reading “A little life” by Hanya Yanagihara. It has some heavy parts, but an interesting read.
POE GIRL: What writing projects are you working on?
FRANCIS H POWELL: I am working some children's books, horror stories and a spoof book.
POE GIRL: What do you like most about writing?
FRANCIS H POWELL: Imagining plots and characters in my head and developing a story. Thinking up quirky characters and strong dialogues and descriptions. Bringing a story to its completion.
POE GIRL: Where do you see yourself and your writing in five years’ time?
FRANCIS H POWELL: Still writing hopefully, still full of ideas.
POE GIRL: What one writing tip would you share?
FRANCIS H POWELL: Be like a sponge, read a lot, gather ideas from watching films and TV. Remember real incidents in your life.
POE GIRL: What would you say to educate and inspire young writers?
FRANCIS H POWELL: Maybe try writing a short story. See how people react to it. Send it off to magazines or internet sites. Work your way up, don't get put off by rejections. Don't expect instant glory.
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