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Poe Girl Publishing is happy to announce that submissions are now open for our annual horror short stories anthology. The theme for the first collection is... Supernatural Women!


Send us your supernatural stories, maximum of 6,000 words, and remember, feel free to include as much horror as you wish. We want 2023 to go with a fright.


For submissions, email us at the link below.

winter horror poster draft 1.jpg

©Poe Girl Publishing 2023


Feel the ghostly chill of the Raven this winter…


Submissions are now open for Poe Girl Publishing’s debut short story horror collection. The Collection “Winter of The Raven” is due for publication in the winter of 2023.

We are looking for ghostly supernatural tales of around 3-6 thousand words and poems of any length. They must be original work.

The writer will keep the copyright but signs over the publishing rights to us and we ask the writer not to submit your story anywhere else for at least 12 months after our date of publication.

Poe Girl Publishing actively promotes and looks to work with female writers, but this collection submissions is open to all.

The closing date for submissions is the 1st of August 2023 – please send submissions ASAP in the body of an email along with a little about yourself to act as a writer intro:

Successful submissions will be notified and given a free paperback copy of the book, no payments for stories or royalties are made to authors and no other further correspondence will be entered into.

The publisher withholds the right to extend or delay publication or even cancel planned publication.

© 2023 by Graeme Parker. 

Poe Girl Publishing EST 2023 - London UK

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