Welcome to Glen Fork...
Nestled deep within the hills of West Virginia is a mysterious community that honors tradition, family and most important of all secrets.
Unexpectedly bequeathed a home, Kate Thomas leaves her ordinary unfulfilling life behind to seek adventure and answers.
Kate gets more than she bargained for when she is thrown into a secret society of witches that have been hiding in plain sight for centuries.
The debut novel by Jessica Nuckles The Rhododendron Society is an exploration of Appalachian folklore and the Granny Witch traditions that are still practiced by some to this very day.
Author Jessica Nuckles was born and raised in Appalachia and has always had a fascination with the rich history and traditions of the hills and hollers of her youth. When she isn’t writing Jessica enjoys sharing her light with the world through her other passions, teaching yoga, practicing guided meditation and energy work with her clients and exploring her “granny witch roots” through tarot and oracle card readings.
Jessica still lives in WV, the Mountain State in the USA where she was born and raised, with her husband and two children.
We are excited to reveal her debut novel The Rhododendron Society will be published in 2024.
POE GIRL: What or who inspired you to be a writer?
AUTHOR: I’ve wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. As a little girl I was obsessed with reading and loved losing myself in the worlds authors created. I would imagine myself living the lives of my favorite characters. It just seemed natural that I would one day create my own worlds and characters.
POE GIRL: What gave you the idea of your latest book?
AUTHOR: The Rhododendron Society was inspired by the actual folklore and traditions of Appalachia. The area is ripe with a rich history of faith healing, backwoods conjuring and granny witchcraft. I wanted to both honor my ancestral home and bring to light the stories of the amazingly strong and resilient women who kept these ancient traditions alive.
POE GIRL: Who is your favorite writer and why?
AUTHOR: This is a tough one! There are so many to choose from and my favorite often changes depending on my mood and on what I’ve been reading. But if I had to pick just one that I can read anytime/anywhere I’d have to go with Agatha Christie. As a female author myself, I find inspiration in others, especially those who blazed the trail.
A close second, or maybe even a 1, B to Christie’s 1, A would be Stephen King.
Both writers have been constants for me through the years and my personal library is filled with copies of their books.
POE GIRL: What's your favorite book?
AUTHOR: Wow, another tough one. But I am going to go outside the box here. I read a lot! Mostly fiction, but nonfiction as well and one of my favorite books is just that.
Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer. It is beautifully written and thought provoking. And I love how she bridges the divide we often place in modern society between the natural world and the scientific one. Just like the Appalachian granny witches of old, the indigenous peoples she writes about have a wisdom to be shared. One that touches on the importance of believing and trusting in the things that we cannot always see with our eyes.
POE GIRL: Do you read a lot? If so, what are you reading right now?
AUTHOR: Yes, absolutely! I am always reading at least two books at a time. One actual book and one audio book. Right now, because of the upcoming Halloween season I’ve been focusing a lot on horror and ghost stories.
I just finished Stephen King’s latest, Holly. It was excellent!
I just started, Vampires of El Norte.
And I am also anxiously awaiting the release of the next book in Jennifer L. Armentrout’s fantasy series, Fire in the Flesh.
POE GIRL: What writing projects are you working on?
AUTHOR: Right now I am working on two new books, both set in the world of The Rhododendron Society. The next book in the series and a companion novella.
I am also working on a debut high fantasy novel and am looking forward to trying my hand on a mystery series - much like an Agatha Christie novel, one that will feature a reoccurring character.
POE GIRL: What do you like most about writing?
AUTHOR: Everything, LOL
Honestly, just like when I was younger and lost in a book I was reading, I love writing the same way. Creating a story, writing a narrative that is new and exciting and full of people and places that come from just my head. It’s kind of amazing and humbling to see something I’ve created or dreamt of come to life.
POE GIRL: Where do you see yourself and your writing in five years’ time?
AUTHOR: I am hopeful that the publication of this, my debut novel, is just the beginning. My head is full of ideas; new people and places that are knocking around - searching for a way out. I would love for the next few years to come with many more opportunities to write and share my stories with readers.
POE GIRL: Which one writing tip would you share with aspiring writers?
AUTHOR: Just write! I know it sounds simple and like a no brainer, but even now - saying this I don’t always follow my own advice. I still get caught up in wanting things to be just right, often at the expense of creative flow. No idea is a bad idea. Any story can turn into something great. But you must start and keep going. Blocks happen, I get stuck all the time. Just keep writing. If you can’t find a way to move forward in your current WIP then write something else. The words will come when the time is right.
POE GIRL: What would you say to educate and inspire young writers?
AUTHOR: The world needs stories. Real stories and things that come straight from only your imagination. There is a reason why the ideas are there, why the characters speak to you.
Don’t be afraid to let them speak to others.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
~ Maya Angelou
© Poe GIRL Publishing 2023