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Author Services




From writing to editing, and formatting to publication, we at Poe Boy/Girl Publishing have got you covered. With over ten years of experience in the industry, I’ll walk you through your project from beginning to end, always with your success and delivering the best possible book at the forefront.


This is your work, your book after all, and the final decision will always be yours. Our aim is to turn your project into a success story that you’ll be proud of.

Listed below you’ll find some of our services and fees, and a brief explanation of how we can help you fulfill your ambition to publish your book.



When you’re happy with your manuscript and feel confident you’ve done everything you can, you will need a professional edit before publication.

No one is infallible, and even the very best and most successful writers published for years get their books edited, in fact, that is a key part of why they are successful.

Our editing process begins with a complete read-through of your work to enable us to get a grasp of your story and your voice.


Next, we will review the manuscript once more, looking for and correcting any problems. At Poe Boy/Girl Publishing, we use Microsoft Word’s ‘Track Changes’ and, line by line, we make corrections and highlight areas that need improvement, adding notes and suggestions. As well as a professionally edited manuscript, you’ll also receive a detailed report to assist you with your writing in the future if need be.


Fiction Writing: 

In fiction, we tend to look for problems with plot, structure, characters, dialogue, tension, pace, setting, and POV misuse, to name just a few. Alongside this, we check for word and phrase repetition, spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, and any inconsistencies.


This is where we pick up on, for example, snowball fights even though the book is set in the middle of summer. Or in a murder mystery the vicar, who was killed in chapter two, turns up in chapter twelve! We are meticulous, and just like Cruella De Vil, we like to spot everything.


 Nonfiction Writing:

The rules that apply to fiction books also apply to autobiographies and memoirs, as the basic elements should be used. Our aim is to bring the best out of your book and make it gripping and enjoyable. A page-turning read.


If you have written a book about a specialist subject, we will need to have a conversation to ascertain how much research and fact-checking will be needed.


Please note, once your book has been edited and Track Changes has been turned off, should you wish to make further adjustments or amendments, adding or deleting text, etc., additional costs will be incurred, generally at a rate of £15 per hour.


 FEE: £7.50 to £9.50 per 1,000 words

(N.B. I will assess the first few pages of your work and provide a quote, but in most cases, the fee will remain at no more than £9.50/1,000 words. Please note the quote may be higher for more inexperienced writers.)




Our ghost-writing service is available to people who would like to write a true-life story or fiction book. Perhaps you feel you have a fantastic idea for a novel but have no writing experience, or simply don’t have enough time to write it.

Or, perhaps you’d like to write your autobiography or memoir and have all the necessary information, but have never written before and aren’t quite sure about how to bring it all together.

We can approach your project in many ways. Typed notes, voice recordings, video or phone calls, and face-to-face meetings (or a combination of all these things). This will enable us to obtain all the information we need to make your book come to life.



FEE: £22.00 per 1,000 words




If you’re finding it difficult to get started on your book and are spending days staring at a blank screen or consistently hitting the ‘delete’ key, maybe it’s time to get a little help. We can assist you in getting those first valuable words onto the page whilst giving you constructive advice to enable you to move forward with more knowledge and confidence.


Perhaps there’s just one section of the book you are struggling with, and you need a few ideas to get you going again. It’s amazing what a quick brainstorming session can achieve to clear the dark clouds away.


If there’s one little hurdle you need to overcome, you may just need an hour-long chat. But if you’re looking for guidance, encouragement, and support during the entire writing process, perhaps weekly or monthly contact would be better for you, as it can be a bit daunting.


FEE: £15.00 per hour




If you have a completed first draft and you feel you have a good book on your hands, but you know there could be room for improvement, a critique can be a massive help to you on your book and your writing as a whole. We will read your entire manuscript and send you a detailed 5-10 page report offering suggestions and advice in order for you to take your book to the next level. Our Book critiques are an in-depth analysis where we look at all the elements your book needs, and what may be missing or need to be improved upon. Many authors who have gone through this process have been astounded at the results and the difference it has made to their work.


 FEE: £2.50 per 1,000 words




If you want to self-publish your book it will need to be formatted correctly in order for it to be uploaded to your desired platform. There are very different requirements for eBook and paperback, and we have professional graphic designers who are able to take care of all of these for you, ensuring your book not only looks appealing but (in the case of eBooks) is able to be read on all electronic devices.

As someone once said, “The first bite is with the eye.” and you wouldn’t want a badly formatted book to turn off possible readers.

The formatting service ensures your book will have the correct margins, fonts, justification, page and section breaks, first-line indents and page numbering, and that all incorrect or unnecessary formatting is removed.


Our team will also help create the front and back matter for your book - the title page, copyright information, dedication page, acknowledgments, table of contents, introduction, prologue, about the author, more books by the author, contact information, or anything else you may need. Finally, we’ll make sure it can be successfully uploaded to the platform(s) of your choice.

If you need assistance in uploading your book to your desired platform(s), we can do this for you, at no extra charge.


FEE: The cost can vary, depending on the author’s requirements, so each book is quoted individually. Prices generally start at £150.00 to include both paperback and Kindle.

NOTE: It is important to ensure you are 100% happy with your book content before it goes for professional formatting. If you decide to make amendments after it’s been formatted, this may incur extra costs, depending on the change(s) you require.



When your book has been written, edited, and formatted, it’s time to create the perfect cover and make sure it gets seen by the masses.

Remember “The first bite is with the eye.” and how important that is!

After discussing with you your initial ideas, we will get to work and produce two or three images for you, which can then be revised to your specification. The more ideas you have, the quicker the process, although we’re happy to start with a blank canvas and will build your vision of your book. Along with our experience of designing over 100 plus book covers, we know exactly what is eye-catching and therefore will attract your readership.


FEE: The cost can vary greatly, depending on the amount of work required, so each book cover is quoted individually, and if it is a stock image or hand-painted cover art there can be a big difference in price.

But we will work closely with the author to get the best cover possible.

Prices start at £100.00 on average. Paperback fan fold covers start at £150 – if both are taken together prices start at £200.



We can design, promotion video trailers for your book, promotion slides, posters, and banners for social media all at competitive prices just ask us for a quote


We have three bases, one in the USA and two in the United Kingdom, London and Dundee Scotland.

We have a team of editors and designers that can work in UK and USA English which we know is very important.



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